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The jewelry made of precious materials and stones, produced in series, are of the intrinsic charm connected to the value of the building material, the techniques of setting, dimensions and weight: their value is, therefore, a purely mathematical, scientific and objective parameter. What actually gives real value to a jewel is its symbolic and emotional meaning that derives from the person who chose it, the recipient who will receive it, from the reason or intent for which it was finally purchased from the level of customization and the quality of craftsmanship. Choosing, therefore, a jewel made manually and deciding to customize it to make it even more unique are options that greatly increase the symbolic scope of the gift and, consequently, its value.
Why decide to donate a bracelet
The bracelet is undoubtedly the most versatile jewel to give and wear: is not overly challenging, in the sense that you can decide whether to bring it every day or only on certain occasions; is equipped with excellent fit and does not necessarily require the knowledge of measurements or sizes; finally, it can be given to anyone, man, woman, adult or child. For this (and for many other reasons that we will discover shortly), the bracelet is one of the generally most appreciated gifts and that, most likely, chosen with greater frequency to seal a moment or an important event. The bracelet, in fact, contains in its own conformation, an atavistic recall that connects it, metaphorically, to what is infinite, to an eternal bond that has to do with the emotional sphere, with feelings and with the heart.
The bracelet in history
The history of the bracelets coincides with the very history of man: thus, even before learning to forge metals, the primitives seem to have already the habit of binding on the wrist skins or vegetable fibers interwoven with shells, flowers and stones, as personal embellishment, call of love or symbol of social belonging. The bracelet, in short, crosses the history of human civilization, not only in the form of an aesthetic object, but, from time to time, of individual or community values, revealing the belonging of the individual to an elite or ceto. Indeed, the habit of wearing bracelets in classical antiquity also acquired physical and spiritual protection functions: he served to safeguard the soldiers in battle and pay homage to deities and spirits-guided, transforming himself into a sacred object, a real lucky charm. This last aspect seems to have come to our day and makes, in fact, the bracelet one of the most appreciated accessories, an easy gift, able to excite and amaze the one or the one who will receive it and becoming in talisman from which it will be difficult to detached.
The eternal circle of the bracelet
The very structure of the bracelet and its design connect it ideally to one of the oldest and most powerful symbols, taken from the observation of nature and made by man: the circle. This figure represents, in fact, one of the first signs used to connect the earth to the higher forces and gods, invisible yet very powerful, of nature and of heaven: its shape is that of the sun and visually depicts the cyclicity of time and space, created from an infinite line, which has neither beginning nor end. The usual position in which the bracelet requires to be worn also bears a very strong symbolism: the wrist represented, in fact, in ancient classical culture, the most direct link between the outer world and the inner world of emotions, between reality and heart. A bracelet to protect the pulse and safeguard the soul Pulsum is the Latin word from which the terms pulsation, beat derive and, not by chance, in antiquity, the cardiac functions were controlled precisely through listening to the pulse beat, habit, in truth, reached up to us. The man, in fact, soon discovered the direct link between this area of the arm and myocardial, so, for a long time, he lived in the belief that, protecting the wrist, the heart would also be protected, both from a purely physical and emotional point of view. Thus the robust bracelet worn by soldiers of ancient Rome during the battles had the purpose of immediately recognizing the origins and social extraction of the wearer, but also served to protect men during the fights, safeguarding the wrist from cuts and fractures. Similarly, the snake bracelet, placed on the right arm, right at the height of the heart, worn by the Pharaohs and the Egyptian Imperators, protected their spirit, guiding them to make just and fair choices. Today, conceptually, this ideology of the bracelet has become, assuming rather a protective valence: holding something tight on the wrist, it would be held closer to the heart what the object itself embodies. Here, therefore, that the bracelet comes to represent, today, a gift of love, an important jewel for its symbolic value, for what it represents and for what it communicates. A personalized bracelet with names, dates or symbols, therefore, represents a perfect gift, by which to explicitly declare an important bond, whether it is of blood, friendship, esteem or trust, becoming, at the same time, an alternative way to communicate externally its state, sending, for example, to the name of their children or presenting a motto or mantra to keep in mind and assume as a rule of life. Bracelets as symbols of power, wealth and... not only Anciently, therefore, the bracelets were used to embellish and to show their social rank or membership to a certain class or social group. The fashion of wearing bracelets on the wrist, on the forearm or above the elbow spread throughout the Roman Empire, due to cultural influences from Greece and, above all, from ancient Egypt. Weared by emperors and queens in their richest and most striking version, the bracelets could also distinguish politicians, religious and men of culture or, on the contrary, identify slaves, gladiators and mercenaries, if made of poor metal alloys or wood. Used indistinctly by rich and poor, by men and women, the bracelets prove, from the very beginning, one of the rare jewels really equal and less discriminatory, with unisex models, feminine or exclusively male, presenting bigger dimensions and thicknesses, more massive and squared design.
The eternity of the bracelet
In addition to representing, historically, the socio-cultural extraction of the one or the one wearing it, the bracelet has always been considered the almost magical accessory with which to remember the past through the present moment: a special object, able to reconnect time, transporting to the future an eternal memory, becoming a benaugurant symbol and talisman lucky charm. In its nature, this aspect has always been particularly relevant: it is not only a question of superstition or popular beliefs, but rather the real perception of vibrations emanated from the bracelet along the nerve endings of the skin. wearing one or more bracelets proves, therefore, a multisensory experience, able to stimulate nerve endings, to stress the sight and hearing. A bracelet as an amulet Give a bracelet acquires, therefore, also this additional implied value, for which it is made a gift of an object that possesses an invisible force, which raises its value beyond that strictly economic and that makes it a unique, powerful and important object. To give a custom bracelet, in other words, means to cover the jewel of personal and subjective symbols, creating a small design project conceived and studied specifically for the one or the one who will receive it. Once worn, it will hardly be removed or replaced, because this would mean breaking an ultra-physical bond, removing from your memory and from your heart what the bracelet represents. In part, to parade a bracelet, it could mean challenging the fate, finding itself vulnerable, devoid of a defensive shield, against negative energies. The bracelet is always in good sight, emphasizes the movements of the hands and the motives of the wearer: it is a monile that appears and makes its presence felt, dyeing and constantly keeping alive the memory of an emotion or a positive event. These peculiarities make it one of the most personal and subjective accessories that can be worn.
Models, types, sizes and materials
Always (and forever) there will be endless ways to craft the bracelets: textile fibres, leather and leather, more or less precious and pure metals, alloys and mixed compositions that count their economic value and comfort. Gold, silver, copper, bronze and stainless steel are generally considered the hard materials preferable to make indestructible and indeformable bracelets. By means of textile braces, random models can be created, however, which can also include length adjustments, adapting to the size of the wrist and, for this, perfect as a gift for babies, children and kids. Thanks to modern goldsmith techniques it is possible to create rigid, semi-rigid and chain bracelets, of various thicknesses, single wire or multiple wires. Some rigid models are made as open half-rings, offering the possibility to be narrow or enlarged according to the needs of those who will wear them or depending on where they will be arranged: some people prefer to place them on the forearm or on the elbow instead of on the wrist. Soft, chained or wired, instead, require a spring, carabiner or ink locking system (with sunshades and lock bars); other models are still created by an elastic inner structure, covered with pearls or pepite and do not require, therefore, any type of closure. Numerous models are enriched and embellished with charms, pendants, pendants, plates or plates, on which it will be possible to predict engravings, symbols or other types of customization. Some are monochromatic, others alternate the silver to the golden color (in the traditional yellow or pink version), inserts of copper, bronze or steel, pearls and colored beads more or less precious, able to make the final design of the jewel more young and modern. Usually, one of the preferred qualities of the bracelets comes from the fact that they do not foresee sizes, nor sizes, being equipped with ample fit and being able to adapt very easily to any wrist size; some models, however, especially those designed for men or children, may possibly include longer or shorter lengths than standard ones.
How to wear bracelets
There is no exclusive and objective rule to wear a bracelet or bracelet. There are those who prefer to place them all together, on a single wrist; who, instead, divides them between right and left arm, separating them according to an order of personal and subjective importance or by type, color and meaning. Usually, the wearer also prefers to wear the jewelry in the opposite wrist, but also in this case the choice is purely subjective: in fact, some people prefer to keep, always and anyway, a side completely free from accessories. Most superstitious people prefer to wear a bracelet at a time or, in any case, in odd numbers, for a conviction related to popular folklore that it was usually considered odd numbers more fortunate than even ones. Compared to the conventions connected with the rings, the bracelets leave more freedom and provide different ways of being worn, they become an extremely personal way to tell the world. So, for example, if it is true that it is usually recommended to wear only one ring per finger, highlighting its value and relevance, for bracelets this rule does not seem to have any feedback; indeed, in truth, they seem to be today particularly fashionable saturated wrists of different bracelets, which are matched with originality and personality. Through the bracelets are recreated stories of personal life that are considered worthy of being exposed and also shown to others. The sound that connotes their tinctinnium takes on the typical connotations of the hull-thoughts, underlining the physical presence of the individual and accompanying each movement. Needless to underline how, for true lovers of bracelets, the break or loss even only of a single element of the composition can bring discomfort and discomfort.
Why choose a handmade and personalized bracelet
Given all these premises, it is almost discounted to conclude by emphasizing the advantage of buying handcrafted bracelets that offer the possibility to be customized and created to measure, inserting charms and pendants, able to acquire a deeper meaning than the simple aesthetic impact or realizing incisions designed ad hoc for the recipient of the gift. They are born with this purpose, the dedicated bracelets, for example, to the new-momme that can present the names or initials of the children, the dates and the times of birth, the weight and size of the child, emphasizing, once again, the close connection between numerology and symbolism; those for friends or colleagues, for companion or neo-papapa, for sister and grandparents. The bracelet, in short, emphasizes, postpones and highlights, a tight and powerful bond, including in the empty space, circumscribed by the concentric form, the volume of an infinite love.
How to maintain polished and clean steel and silver
Those who wear the bracelets hardly remove them before washing their hands or taking a shower; over time, moisture and the use of creams and soaps, silver, gold and steel tend to present dark alonies and to opacizzarsi. To keep the bracelets shiny and always perfect it will be enough to clean them occasionally, immersing them in hot water and baking soda, or in a solution of vinegar, wine and lemon, then rinse them with care and proceed to dry them and polish them with a cloth in microfiber.
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